Saturday, October 5, 2024

Iran proposes ICESCO holding scientific Olympiad for Islamic nations

TEHRAN – Education Minister, Alireza Kazemi, has proposed the Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), holding a scientific-educational Olympiad for the students in Islamic countries.

In a meeting with ICESCO Director General, Salim Ben Mohamed Al-Malik, Kazemi also proposed launching an annual award for the best teacher in the Islamic world, and establishing a scientific and cultural union for Muslim students, IRNA reported.

Kazemi made the remarks on the sidelines of the third ICESCO Education Ministers Conference, which was held on October 2 and 3 in Muscat, Oman.

Al-Malik, for his part, welcomed the three proposals and lauded Iran’s active presence in the third conference.

The Iranian official went on to extend an invitation to Al-Malik to pay a visit to Iran to get familiar with the achievements and expertise of the country’s ministry of education.

Third ICESCO conference

The event was held under the theme, “Beyond Transforming Education Summit: from Commitments to Actions,” by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in collaboration with Oman’s Ministry of Education and in coordination with the Omani National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science.

The education ministers from Islamic countries, along with high-level delegations from 27 regional and international organizations, as well as civil society institutions attended the event.

The Conference aimed to strengthen the commitment to transforming education within the ICESCO Member States and to establish effective mechanisms for disseminating best practices and accelerating their implementation.

Additionally, it sought to foster cooperation among Member States, build a network linking funding and donor bodies, develop mechanisms to monitor the outcomes of the Education Transformation Summit and create programs that support Member States’ efforts in this field. The Conference also highlighted the ethical and value-based foundations underpinning education transformation in the Islamic world’s civilizational heritage.

The Muslim World’s Munafiq Rulers

Zafar Bangash

Muslims have been plagued by munafiqs ever since the advent of Islam. They emerged after the Prophet (pbuh) migrated from Makkah to Madinah. This point needs to be borne in mind because it sheds light on the munafiqs’ duplicitous character and nefarious agenda vis-à-vis Islam.

While the word munafiq is translated as ‘hypocrite’ or ‘dual loyalist’, it is a much more sinister and dangerous category of people. Living among Muslims and claiming to be Muslim, their loyalty is only to themselves or their selfish interests. They constantly strive to undermine Islam and its adherents from within.

In Surah al-Baqarah [second Surah] of the noble Qur’an, the qualities of a committed Muslim (referred to in the Qur’an as mumin) are highlighted in four ayats (2-5 inclusive). The next two ayats (6–7) describe kafirs (deniers of Allah’s power and authority in this world).

As we proceed in the surah, Allah exposes the munafiqoon (plural of munafiq) in 13 ayats (8-20 inclusive). Indeed, throughout the noble Qur’an, Allah (swt) exposes them. Surah at-Tawbah, a very powerful surah in which Allah’s Qahr and Jalal come through very clearly, the munafiqs are not only exposed but condemned in very harsh terms.

When the chief of munafiqs in Madinah, Abdullah ibn Ubayy died, his son who was a sincere Muslim, requested the Prophet (pbuh) to lead his father’s janazah prayer. As rahmatul lil ‘alameen (mercy to all the worlds), the Prophet (pbuh) agreed but Allah forbid him from doing so. This command came to the Prophet (pbuh) through revelation.

While the munafiqs are condemned in many surahsat-Tawbah being the harshest, there is also a surah titled al-munafiqoon. There is divine purpose behind such exposure.

He (swt) wants us to be aware of and alert to the treacherous nature of these people residing among Muslims. The kafirs (deniers of Allah’s power and authority) and mushriks (those who associate partners with Allah in His power and authority) are known, so Muslims are on guard against them. The munafiqs, however, are internal enemies and, therefore, much more dangerous.

Lest some readers get the impression that munafiqs existed only at the time of the Prophet (pbuh), they need to disabuse their minds of this notion. Munafiqs have existed in all ages including the contemporary era. They emerge especially in times when Islam asserts itself in society.

Since there are nearly two billion Muslims in the world and the vast majority long to see Islam’s laws implemented in society, this has revealed the true nature of most Muslim rulers. The overwhelming majority are illegitimate. They neither have divine legitimacy because they do not implement Islamic laws in society, nor do they have popular legitimacy, because they lack the support of the people. Thus, in order to continue their illegitimate hold on power, they hide behind claims to being upholders of Islam’s principles and laws.

Let us identify these rulers. Leading the list of munafiq rulers are the medieval clan of Bani Saud. They have illegally usurped power in the Arabian Peninsula. In fact, the British installed them 100 years ago to serve their (Britain’s) interests.

The most disturbing aspect is that these Bedouins from Nejd have also illegally usurped the Haramayn (Makkah and al-Madinah) in the Hijaz to project themselves as being “servants of the two holy mosques.” This is completely false.

Far from being the servants of the Haramayn, they indulge in un-Islamic conduct promoting vulgarity and nudity. Who is unaware of musical concerts and other evil deeds they perform in the Hijaz? Does Islam allow such behaviour? It is such deeds that exposes them and proves their nifaq.

Closely following the Bani Saud are the Pakistani rulers—civilian and military—who are also munafiqs. Before assuming office, they take an oath. In it they say that in the presence of Allah they pledge to abide by His commands and uphold the constitution of Pakistan.

What do they do in real life? They indulge in theft on a grand scale, they oppress the poor and the destitute, usurp their rights and do not think that killing innocent people is a sin. Yet, they claim to be rulers or generals of the “Islamic” Republic of Pakistan. There is nothing Islamic about Pakistan. It is a cesspool of corruption, oppression, deceit and dishonesty.

Here are other rulers who fall in the category of munafiqs. General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt, King Abullah II of Jordan, Muhammad bin Zayed of Abu Dhabi and a number of others who belong to this nefarious category. They are more at ease in the company of zionist mass murderers than sincere Muslims.

In fact, all these rulers have declared war on committed Muslims. In Egypt, they overthrew a legitimately elected government aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood and killed hundreds of its members including women and children. Mohammad Mursi, the first-ever elected president in Egypt’s entire history was arrested and murdered—yes, we are using the expression murdered—by denying him medication in prison.

He died in a cage while brought to trial. When President Mursi complained of chest pains, the court as well as the regime’s minions dismissed his plea saying he was faking illness. He collapsed in his cell and because of lack of medical attention, died there.

This is what the brutal regime does to its opponents. There are some 60,000 political prisoners in Egypt suffering horrible torture.

The regime in Abu Dhabi is no less brutal. It has also banned the Muslim Brotherhood. Why do these regimes fear Islamic political parties? It is in reality their fear of Islam that leads them to such cruel acts.

While these rulers claim to be Muslims and even build Cathedral-type mosques to project an image of being “pious” and serving Islam, in reality they serve their imperialist and zionist masters. In the case of UAE, we can also now add idol worshipping Hindus!

As far as the putative ruler of Jordan is concerned, while he tolerates the Islamic Party, he keeps it under strict surveillance. His father King Hussain was a CIA agent, installed in power by the British. The so-called kingdom is little more than a US-zionist colony. Not surprisingly, he is opposed to any expression of Islam even though he claims to be the “Custodian” of Masjid al-Aqsa.

When we have US-zionist agents and absolute munafiqs as supposed custodians of Islam’s holy places, is it surprising that the enemies are able to occupy them so easily? The zionists are now openly calling for the destruction of Masjid al Aqsa. What is the munafiq ruler of Jordan going to do about it?

For Muslims and the global Islamic movement, the path forward is clear. The first step is to identify the munafiq rulers and their hangers-on and then deal with them the way Allah ordered the Prophet (pbuh) to do. “O Prophet! Strive hard against the deniers of the truth (kuffar) [concerning Allah’s preponderant power and overwhelming authority] and against the dual loyalists (munafiqs), and be adamant with them. And [if they do not repent], their place to stay shall be Hell—and how a vile journey’s end” (Surah al-Tawbah [9], ayat 73).

Muslim Rulers

A'----llah Kha---ei’s message to the Islamic Ummah

By Xavier Villar

MADRID – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, led the Friday prayer for the first time in four years, an event regarded by many analysts as one of his most anticipated interventions. The last time Ayatollah Khamenei presided over this ceremony was in 2020, following the assassination of Lieutenant General Q--sem So--i-ani.

The Friday prayer holds paramount importance, as it provides meaning to the political and social life of the community and serves as a powerful discursive tool. Historically, one of the first actions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) after his migration was the construction of mosques and their integration into all affairs of the new Islamic government. These spaces were not only designated for prayer but also served to articulate a political discourse in defense of the nascent Islamic state. In this context, the Friday prayers played a crucial role.

The Friday prayer is a weekly act celebrated in the community, emphasizing that being Muslim is not an individual experience, as some liberals have erroneously claimed. Being Muslim involves a connection to the Ummah. Additionally, this ceremony symbolizes the community's support for a governance that constantly seeks a horizon of justice. It is, therefore, a political moment in which the boundaries of Islamic discourse are constantly reconstituted. In other words, by addressing political issues, the Friday prayer repositions Islam at the center of communal life without exhausting its boundaries.

Within the framework of Wilayat al-Faqih (Leadership of the Islamic Jurist), the Friday prayer (Salat al-Jumu'ah) acquires special significance. An analysis of the writings and statements of the leaders of the Islamic Revolution reveals the magnitude of this ritual in both its spiritual and political dimensions. Imam Khomeini, regarding these dimensions, stated: “These gatherings that exist in Islam, such as Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, sacrifice, pilgrimage (Hajj), the Friday prayer, and the congregations held at night and day, have both devotional and political and social aspects.” He also emphasized that “the Friday prayer is a political gathering.”

For his part, Ayatollah Khamenei has underscored the significance of the Friday prayer for the spiritual and political life of the Muslim community. It is due to this political-theological importance that the Leader decided to lead the Friday prayer after four years. In a context of escalating regional tensions, fueled by Israel's violent escalation and, in particular, following the assassination of Hezbollah's Secretary General, Sayyed H--an Na---llah, Ayatollah Kh----ei began his speech by urging the Muslim community to "unite in solidarity."

Call for unity of the Islamic Ummah

From a political perspective, the recent call for unity of the Ummah by Ayatollah Kh----ei reflects the recognition of a particular grammar that binds the entire Islamic community within the discursive limits established by Islam. This unity does not imply homogenization; rather, it guarantees the possibility of agreements and disagreements, all framed within a shared horizon.

Ayatollah Kha----ei also addressed the political division in the world, characterizing it in terms of oppressors and the oppressed. He emphasized that the latter “maintain a divide-and-conquer policy,” whose ultimate aim is to create fragmentation within the Islamic community. Their strategy is based on sowing discord, executed in various Islamic countries through different methods that still persist. This has caused the hearts of Muslim nations to drift apart. However, Ayatollah Kha----ei asserted that today the people have awakened and that this is the moment when the Islamic Ummah can overcome the deceptions of the enemies of Islam and Muslims.

“The enemy of the Iranian people is the same one that harasses the Palestinian, Lebanese, Iraqi, Egyptian, Syrian, and Yemeni peoples; essentially, there is only one enemy. Although their methods vary in each country—sometimes resorting to psychological warfare, applying economic pressure, using two-ton bombs, deploying weaponry, or presenting themselves with smiles—all these tactics are part of a common strategy,” Ayatollah Kha----ei stated.

In this analysis, the Leader highlighted the friend-enemy dichotomy, which serves as the foundation upon which political communities are established. From an Islamic perspective, this division can be interpreted as follows: on one side are the countries that support the oppression and lack of justice represented by Israel's actions; on the other side are those countries and non-state actors that oppose this oppression, forming part of the group of "friends."

Ayatollah Khamenei articulated this Islamic solidarity by stating that “we must establish a defensive belt, a belt of self-determination, a belt of dignity that extends from Afghanistan to Yemen, from Iran to Gaza and Lebanon, consolidating unity across all Muslim countries and nations.”

This “defensive belt” is part of a discourse that seeks to maintain the independence of Islam as a political model, in the face of an enemy characterized by the absolute absence of justice. The Axis of Resistance is another name that can be attributed to this “defensive belt,” which should not be analyzed solely from a military perspective. Rather, it is a discourse that unites objectives, allowing for different paths to achieve them.

The right to self-defense and resistance in the discourse of Iran’s Leader

Another central point in the discourse of the Leader was the issue of the right to self-defense. Ayatollah Kha----ei asserted that “both the defensive norms of Islam and international law unequivocally affirm that every nation has the right to defend its territory, home, and interests against an aggressor. This means that the Palestinian people have the right to resist the enemy that has occupied their land, invaded their homes, destroyed their fields, and ruined their lives. This is a sound logic that is also supported by international law today.”

It is noteworthy that, during his speech at the Imam Khomeini Mosque in Tehran, Ayatollah Kha----ei addressed multiple audiences with a single message. On one hand, the primary audience was the Islamic Ummah; on the other, he sought to send a message to the “West,” emphasizing the legality of all resistance actions against the Israeli occupation and its repeated provocations. Additionally, he specifically addressed Palestine and Lebanon as concrete representatives of the Islamic Resistance in these current moments.

Regarding Palestine, Ayatollah Kha----ei affirmed that “the Palestinian people have the right to resist,” adding that no entity or international organization has the right to reproach the Palestinian people for confronting the usurping Zionist regime. “No one, under any international law, has the right to criticize the Lebanese people or He----llah for supporting Gaza and the resistance of the Palestinian people; it is their duty to do so. This is both an Islamic mandate and a rational principle, as well as an international and global logic,” the Iranian Revolutionary Leader emphasized.

Finally, regarding Operation “True Promise II,” which represented the Islamic Republic’s response to the assassinations of H--as leader Ismail Ha---eh, Hassan Na---llah, and IRGC General Seyyed Abbas Nilforoushan, Ayatollah Kha----ei highlighted that “the brilliant actions of our armed forces in recent days were completely legal and legitimate.” Furthermore, he noted that the Iranian response was the “mildest for the Z---ist regime,” which can be interpreted as a direct warning to Israel that if it decides to respond militarily, Iran will escalate its response. 

Gaza genocide one year on: Middle East on brink of major war

Displaced children walk past a mannequin as they transport drinking water in Gaza City on October 2 Pic by Omar Al-Qattaa/AFP

October 7 will mark the first anniversary of Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza. About 42,000 have been killed, and if one were to go by the British medical journal Lancet’s formula, the death toll easily exceeds 200,000.

And it comes as the Middle East is on the brink of a major war that could shoot up the oil prices to unprecedented levels. According to the World Bank, oil prices could rise to more than $150 a barrel if the conflict in the Middle East escalates. Iran has warned time and again that if hostile powers prevent Iran from selling its oil, then it will make sure that no country in the region sells its oil.

Given this disruption to the oil trade, a major war is no good news for US Vice President Kamala Harris. The Middle East crisis is only adding to her woes, and she is likely to lose the November elections. Israel is not going to heed her advice for a Gaza ceasefire, the only factor that stands between a major war and graveyard peace in the Middle East.

War erupts when rationality is thrown to the winds. War breaks out when the existing balance of power is disturbed. Yes, since the October 7, 2023 events, the balance of power between Iran and Israel has been crumbling. In recent weeks, the region has witnessed a major escalation, more so after Israel killed Hezbollah’s legendary leader, Hassan Nasrallah. He was a hero and a powerful icon of the resistance movement against Israeli expansionism. Hezbollah is the only Middle Eastern resistance movement that militarily defeated Israel and ended its occupation, not once but twice. Hezbollah is backed by Iran and is considered Iran’s frontline defence against Israel.

Iran cannot simply afford to let Hezbollah perish under Israeli military onslaught. The Iran-Hezbollah bind is more than symbiotic. It was more like NATO’s Article 5: an attack on one will be deemed an attack on both. 

However, much to the disbelief of many analysts, Iran continued to exercise restraint when several top Hezbollah members were killed in Israeli attacks and pager and walkie-talkie blasts across Lebanon. Moreover, the tone of Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly session on September 24 was one of reconciliation and peace.

Iranian silence even after the killing of several top Hezbollah leaders and nearly 700 Lebanese in Israel’s massive bombardment of southern Lebanon and Beirut and the displacement of one million people prompted a Lebanese Shiite cleric to tell Nasrallah, “Write your will. The Iranians have betrayed you.”

Such insults apart, Iran’s inaction raised doubt about its ability to respond. But after the killing of Nasrallah on September 27, Iran broke its silence. It was not willing to heed calls for restraint from intermediaries involved in backchannel communications between Tehran and Western capitals. When Iran vowed to avenge the July 31 killing of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh while he was in Iran for the inauguration ceremony of the new Iranian president, the United States, through backchannel contacts, sought an Iranian restraint in exchange for a ceasefire in Gaza. But the promised ceasefire did not come. Instead, the US continued to supply Israel with military aid even though the hardline Benjamin Netanyahu government spurned ceasefire moves. The US became more complicit in the Gaza genocide. The Iranians felt betrayed.

When Israel opened up a new front on its northern border to neutralise the threat from Hezbollah and killed top resistance leaders, including Nasrallah, it was an unofficial declaration of war against Iran. The Nasrallah killing was a red line. Iran was compelled to respond. Failure will portray Iran as a weak nation, a poor shadow of its much-hyped capabilities. Besides, exercising restraint will also be construed as an abandonment of allies. Iran had to respond, and that response came on Tuesday in the form of hundreds of missiles raining on Tel Aviv and other cities. Israel claims its Iron Dome intercepted a majority of the missiles, but footage and reports devoid of Israeli propaganda confirm that 80 percent of the missiles hit the targets.

While Iranian missiles hit military facilities and were not directed at civilians, Israel targets largely civilian facilities and still calls itself the world’s most moral army in a deception to mitigate criticism of its genocides in Gaza and now Lebanon.

An Israeli response is now imminent. Something big is in the offing. It could be an attack on Iran’s nuclear facility. In April this year, too, the two countries locked horns in tit-for-tat attacks. But in hindsight, the attacks turned out to be largely symbolic and did not lead to a major escalation, with the US from behind the scenes playing a controller’s role. But the present scenario is different. Israel is determined to crush Hezbollah while Iran does not want to lose Hezbollah.

Israel was fighting Iran on multiple fronts, Netanyahu said on Sept. 27 during his UNGA speech, which saw several countries staging a walkout. “There is no place in Iran where Israel’s long arm cannot reach,” he warned, hours before Nasrallah was killed. 

But Iran’s military leaders have vowed any attack on Iran will draw a much stronger response.

To Iran’s advantage, Hezbollah has resurrected itself after the death of Nasrallah and a series of humiliating setbacks. On Wednesday, it killed several Israeli soldiers in ground battles on the Israel-Lebanon border. Israel said it lost 8 soldiers, but some analysts believe the figure was much higher than what Israel has announced. Israel may have air superiority, but when it comes to ground warfare, Israel is no match for Hezbollah fighters.

While most Arab countries lacked the courage to protect the Palestinians in Gaza, Hezbollah, by entering the war, proved that among Arabs still there are brave souls who do not care a damn about the fleeting worldly life.

Hezbollah entered the war against Israel in support of the Palestinian resistance group Hamas, which has been accused of starting the war on October 7 last year with an attack on an Israeli border town, though the crisis has been going on since 1917. About 1200 people, mostly Israelis, were killed, and some 250 were taken hostage. A less highlighted fact is that several Israelis died in Israeli air force fire. In keeping with a policy known as the Hannibal doctrine, the Israeli air force, when killing Hamas guerrillas, also killed Israelis whom they were holding as hostages. The Israeli propaganda machinery accused Hamas of decapitating babies and raping women, but these claims have been proved incorrect. Yet on and off, these lies appear in unscrupulous Western media outlets to whip up support for Israel’s genocide. 

After one year of genocide, Israel has not eliminated Hamas. It has not freed the hostages. Hamas is holding about a hundred hostages. The only success Israel can claim is that it has made Gaza unlivable and normalised genocide with a good measure of help coming from the United States of America, Israel’s vassal state, where politicians jostle each other to prove their submission to Zionism.

With no ceasefire in Gaza and Israel spurning the international community’s appeals to stop its murderous actions in Gaza, the West Bank, Yemen, and Lebanon, the October 7 anniversary will only be a catalyst for the next level of escalation.

Six Messages the L--der’s Friday Prayer Sent

Alwaght- Three days after the Iranian missile strikes deep into I---el, Iran's Supreme Leader Ay----llah Sayyed Ali Kha----ei led the Friday prayer of Tehran and addressed regional developments, sending important messages from Iran to the world, especially the Muslim nations.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution recited the second sermon of the Friday prayer in Arabic. In this sermon, he emphasized that Ha-as’s Operation Al-A-sa Storm and the one-year resistance of Gaza and Lebanon brought the usurping regime to a point where its most important concern is now to maintain its existence. That was the same concern that this regime had in the initial years of its illegitimate birth. This means, he added, that the struggle of the fighting men of Palestine and Lebanon has successfully "turned the Zi--ist regime back 70 years." 

Here are the major messages his sermon sent:

1. Talking directly to the Arab nations: The Leader recited one of his two sermons in Arabic, talking directly to the Muslim and Arab nations. In his speech, he clearly outlined the stances of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the recent developments and those to come, adding that if necessary, Tehran will once again resolutely respond to the Is--eli crimes, referring to the missile attack of Wednesday. He said that Iran will not procrastinate nor will it hurry in dealing with Is--eli actions. 

2. Policy of no procrastinationno hurry: One of the key points that the Leader mentioned was that "we will neither "procrastinate nor act hastily in carrying out our duty", but we do our duty logically and properly, this means that we neither overdo it nor underdo it." He added that Iran takes a middle path in doing its duties regarding Gaza and Lebanon. The delay in Iran's response to the Is--eli crimes and especially the assassination of Hamas leader Is-ail Ha-iyeh in Tehran on July 31 caused some misunderstandings in the country, in the region, in the allied Axis of Resistance countries, with some thinking that Iran withdrew its support to the resistance groups in the region or it is afraid of responding to the Israeli regime. By launching the Operation True Promise II, Iran showed that it not only is not afraid of responding to the Is--eli regime, but also it carries out its duties concerning the resistance groups in logical, calculated, and unhasty way. 

3. Message to Muslim world as special addressee: The Leader addressed his message to the Muslim world, saying that "the addressee of this sermon is the Muslim world, but the dear nations of Palestine and Lebanon are the special addressees."

4. Resistance has managed to push the Is--elis back: In his Arabic message, A---ollah Kha---ei also addressed the achievements of Palestinian and Lebanese resistance during the war and noted that the Operation Al-Aqsa St--m and the one-year resistance of Gaza and Lebanon brought the usurping regime to a point where its most important concern is to preserve its existence. That is, the same concern that this regime had in the first years of its existence. This means that the struggle of the fighting men of Palestine and Lebanon has been able to turn the Is--eli regime back seventy years. 

5. Is--el cannot win over Ha-as or He--ollah: The Leader also asserted that Tel Aviv cannot win the war over Ha-as or He--ollah. He said that the Is--elis have been fighting for a year and spending billions of dollars on the strength of the US and some other Western counties to defeat resistance forces who are under blockade but has failed, and its only art is bombing the houses, schools, and hospitals, and the centers civil concentration. "Today, the Zi--ist criminal band has come up with the conclusion that it cannot win over Ha-as and He---llah." 

6. The reason behind Is---eli  assassinations and their consequences: Ay---llah Kha-e-ei also pointed to the reason why the Is---eli regime has resorted to terrorist actions and assassinations, saying that "since evil and weak enemy cannot seriously damage the strong organization of He---llah, Ha-as, or other resistance groups fighting in the path of God, it paints assassination, destruction, and bombardment, and massacre of civilians as its achievements. What is the result? The result of this behavior is accumulation of fury and increase of the motivation of the people and rise of more men, generals, and leaders, and sacrificers and tightening the noose on this bloodthirsty wolf, and finally elimination of this evil from existence."

Ukraine And The Slide Towards World War Three

Ahmet Mehmet

In July 2024, Forbes, supposedly one of America’s “reputable” business magazines, reported that between April and July of this year Russia lost 90,000 soldiers.

Then came the September 2024 announcement from the BBC that in total Russia has lost 70,000 since the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine in February 2022.

We will not get bogged down in the pedantic and inconsistent aspects of western propaganda. However, the above inconsistency gives a clear indication that a sober analysis outside of the Russian and western propaganda narratives is needed to determine where the war in Ukraine is heading.

Based on the overall assessment, the situation appears quite pessimistic. The war in Ukraine is heading towards World War Three.

Prior to regressing to that stage, most parts of the world are likely to experience a series of regional wars which will morph into one big, decentralized war.

Most observers and analysts are focused on West Asia and the ongoing resistance to zionist Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza and now extended to Lebanon. The conventional wisdom is that this region will become the catalyst for a major war. It is, however, more likely that the war in Ukraine will escalate to World War three.

It may be asked why our analysis does not focus on Ukraine’s political situation. The reason is that the war in Ukraine was never simply a war between Russia and Ukraine.

In August 2024 when the NATO-equipped Ukrainian forces launched a daring military incursion into Russia, NATO regimes were euphoric.

This euphoria, however, proved short lived. It became clear within two weeks that the military move was not synchronized with a coherent political strategy.

In wars, political defeats and inconsistencies easily annul battlefield gains. Just ask Israel.

From the beginning of the Ukrainian incursion last month, the Russians understood that Kiev’s military dimension is not part of a well-designed political strategy. This is why the awaited jolt did occur within the Russian establishment and the wider society.

To understand how dire the situation of the anti-Russian forces in Ukraine is, let us refer to one of the most influential Ukrainian politicians and intellectuals today, Aleksei Arestovich.

Most people who do not speak Russian or Ukrainian, may probably not have even heard of Arestovich and do not fully understand his influence in Ukraine and the regions of the former Soviet Union.

A former military officer, Arestovich was an advisor to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for three years until January 2023. After his resignation, Arestovich left Ukraine and began exposing corruption and the vast incompetency of the Zelenskyy regime.

To put it in context, Arestovich commanded significant public influence in Ukraine prior to the full-scale war with Russia and remains a staunch critic of Moscow.

On September 22, Arestovich gave a lengthy interview to a prominent Ukrainian journalist Aleksander Shelest. In it, he described in detail Ukraine’s dire military and political situation.

The most interesting part of Arestovich’s interview was that he called for a peace deal with Russia as soon as possible.

He explained in detail why western regimes are in the process of losing the overall geopolitical struggle against Russia and China.

It may be asked, what has the Russia-Ukraine war to do with World War three. The war in Ukraine is where western regimes have put their entire political, economic and military reputation at stake.

If anyone conducts even a superficial study of contemporary western political conduct and the ruling caste, one primary characteristic that clearly emerges is their arrogance!

It is one trait that blinds and it is quite evident that western elites are blind to the reality that in a new multipolar global order they have to learn to respect special geopolitical interests of others.

In Ukraine, all that Russia needs to do is not lose. True, Russia’s performance has been lacklustre at the tactical level, but it is not losing the war.

The Russian government managed to create the impression in its society that it is battling NATO regimes in their entirety via Ukraine and it is a matter of life and death for their state’s survival.

NATO regimes understand that even if Russia manages to keep 50% of the territories it has annexed since February 2022, it will be seen as imposing its interests on NATO and humiliating it.

In politics and war, perception often shapes reality.

Western regimes understand that without their direct military involvement, the Ukrainians will not be able to hold out for much longer. Thus, the question is, will western regimes intervene?

The answer is, that they most probably will.

A settlement with Russia will mean that Europe will have to resume buying Russian energy resources to improve their declining economies.

Russia will use the cessation of hostilities to renegotiate contracts to compensate for economic losses and pressure Europe economically. This will not go down well with the US.

Washington will do its outmost to sabotage a settlement with Russia because restoration of EU-Russia economic ties post-Ukraine war will automatically sideline the US geopolitically and economically. Moscow’s economic strategy will be driven by the policy of luring Europe away from the US.

Compromising with Russia in Ukraine is a big deal. It will be a first time since 1945 when western regimes will have to appease their adversary at the doorstep of their own geopolitical sphere.

As the US global hegemony is unravelling, America will be particularly vicious, like all declining empires have been in such situations.

Washington’s reaction to the genocide in Palestine and the war in Ukraine shows that the American political elite believes that only by doubling down they can maintain their hegemony.

This approach means only one thing: total escalation.

Unlike 20 years ago, opponents of US imperialism are capable of escalating as well, be it Russia or Yemen. The unfolding regional war in West Asia under American supervision and Israeli implementation shows that sooner or later the theater of war will link-up with Ukraine at the geopolitical level.

There are already reports of some Iranian involvement in Ukraine.

Washington will continue encouraging Israel to attack American adversaries in West Asia.

It is likely that there will be greater Iranian involvement in Ukraine to push instability into the western geopolitical sphere as the US has been doing for decades in other regions.

As NATO escalates pressure on Russia, China will increase its political and economic backing of Russia.

Beijing does not want to be left in a one-on-one situation with a hostile imperialist bloc in the global geopolitical standoff.

The above indicators point to the fact that the war in Ukraine is unlikely to scale down any time soon. This was something that was clearly hinted at by even UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy a few days ago when he stated that Russia-Ukraine war could continue beyond 2026.

Observing the broader geopolitical developments alongside those in Ukraine clearly point to regression towards a global war of unprecedented scale since the 1940s.

The primary difference between the emerging and the previous world war is that there will be no single centralized front.

Regional and non-regional events will be decentralized and not tied to one power center or front. This characteristic will make it particularly difficult to spot the point of no return and halt global hostilities.

Ukraine War